One day after Walmart asked employees to remove signage for “violent” video games, a news report said that Walmart…
You have to hand it to the BBC. It's always exciting to see an adult, nuanced debate about responsible parenting.…
Last night on our favorite CNN-wannabe HLN, Dr. Drew had a bunch of people on his show to talk about the Navy Yard…
Famous evangelical old person and all-around bigot Pat Robertson weighed-in on video game violence, despite never…
Today, an old man went on television and complained about video games. Then someone proved him horribly wrong.
The sober truth of the world is often a hard thing for the 24-hour TV news cycle to stomach. Blaming violent games…
At the beginning of the month, Katie Couric got some heat from gamers over her one-sided, fear-mongering episode…
Professor Dong Wong Cho of Chungbuk Provincial College in South Korea has an idea about violent video games. And…
It seems that violent games may indeed desensitize players—but in a way that can actually be helpful.
A study by Villanova University psychologist Patrick Markey suggests that the personality of the person playing a…
For one Fox News reporter the worst thing about Epic's upcoming first-person shooter isn't the over-the-top…
In 2009 California congressman Joe Baca introduced legislation that would require games to display a label…
Is the solution to children playing violent video games bundling Family Game Night with a machine gun, a…
A Gallup survey conducted over the weekend finds that while Americans believe the greatest responsibility for…
The battle between the video game industry and California politicians about whether to criminalize the sale of…
This week's decision by the United States Supreme Court to hear arguments both for and against the State of…
The United States Supreme Court may decide whether to hear a landmark case affecting the sale of violent video games…
In an attempt to counter unfair stereotypes about games, UK game industry trade organization TIGA reveals that…
Over the weekend, a German advocacy group asked individuals to bring their "killer games" to the front of an opera…
The Associated Press reports that the Venezuelan government's attempts to ban violent video games such as…