He brought us many memorable games like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta, but Hideki Kamiya doesn't usually do sequels…

Capcom and Nintendo have always had a rather close relationship. In 2002, though, the pair became blood brothers. Or…
No sadly, not the monkey man. A photo from Capcom's office Halloween hijinks (above) shows Mike Haggar on a…
Hideki Kamiya has designed a handful of games like Viewtiful Joe, Okami and Bayonetta. In Bayonetta, the heroine…
She's not in the game, but she's so powerful she could be in the game

Jim Rugg, the man behind the comic book series Street Angel and the hilarious graphic novel Afrodisiac, created a…
Once upon a time, game designer Hideki Kamiya worked at Capcom and made games like Viewtiful Joe and Okami. Now he…