The hero of the Infinity Blade series never really dies. Each time he falls he is reborn, accruing skill and power…
The free Epic Citadel app is the Unreal Engine 3-powered way to determine how game-capable your mobile hardware…
Racing to the app store later this month, Speed Kills uses Unreal Engine 3 to make these wheeled (and…
Back in 2010, Epic Games released an Unreal Engine 3 tech demo for the iPhone and iPad that opened gamers' eyes to…
Powered by Unreal Engine 3, Vivid Games' Real Boxing is not just another pretty face waiting to be beaten into…
Gameloft's first Unreal Engine 3 game, Wild Blood, is now available on Google Play for Android. Read more
We've seen how Epic's Unreal Engine 3 can be used to create dark, gritty and realistic games like The Dark Meadow, Ho…
Gameloft, most recently of the Dark Knight Rises tie-in fame, have recently been promising their first mobile game…
With games like Infinity Blade and Dark Meadow, developers have proven that Unreal Engine 3 can do dark and gothic.…
A couple of months ago a game developer who works on a very well-known video game walked out of a secret…
Here's a look at the history of the Unreal Engine, put together by Kotaku video editor Chris Person.
If you've loved the look of a big-budget game in the recent years, there's a really good chance that it was built…
Epic rolled out the latest Unreal Engine 3 features reel at the Game Developers Conference today, reminding us…
Epic Games likes to show off at the Game Developers Conference.
Here's the beauty of competition. Earlier this week, Epic Games showed off the Unreal Engine 3 supporting Adobe's…
From what we've heard, the next generation of consoles from Microsoft and Sony won't be with us until around 2014.…
The creepy cousin to Epic's own Infinity Blade, The Dark Meadow channels all of the iOS power of the Unreal Engine…
Epic Games isn't just showing off the latest improvements to the Unreal Engine 3 at GDC 2011. They're showing us…
The Spire is an upcoming adventure game that is played entirely in first-person, is made by a small indie studio and…
Whenever I see a new look at the Unreal Engine, I wonder: How will they use this in the next Gears of War? I did…