On Wednesday afternoon, Days Gone developer Bend Studios held a Reddit Ask Me Anything. The team’s responses…
The world of Days Gone is filled with a large selection of characters. Some are nice, others are jerks, most are a…
Days Gone is the first to flinch in the game release death race currently slated for February 22, 2018. Today, Sony…
You know, that PlayStation Vita is capable of some lovely looking video games. Uncharted: Golden Abyss, for…
This new trailer for the first portable Uncharted game, the PlayStation Vita's Uncharted: Golden Abyss looks very…
Insomniac Games, creators of PlayStation staples Ratchet & Clank and Resistance, say they'll continue to stick to…
A listing for "SOCOM 4" for the PlayStation 3 at production studio PCB Productions might be a good indicator that…
In Resistance: Retribution, gamers return to the world of the Chimera invasion, guiding a disgraced Royal Marine as…
Let's talk a little bit about Resistance's smaller, but not so small brother. It's got a new 3rd person view which…