After two years, Canadian PSN users affected by the Grand PSN Outage of 2011 can now receive compensation, provided they file a claim (and the case gets the Ontario court's final approval). Depending on account status, this compensation ranges from discounts to Station Cash and free games. [Thanks, tipster StrayCat.] Read more
A new lawsuit alleges that Sony fired workers in its network security operations two weeks before a cyberattack…
In the throes of the 23-day PlayStation Network Outage, when people were vowing they'd sell their PS3s and go join…
EA Sports president Peter Moore brushed off the suggestion that the PlayStation Network outage did particular damage…
During the PlayStation Network outage, Sony was asked to appear before a U.S. House of Representatives committee to…
If you're on the PlayStation Network in Japan, chances are you already know this. Chances are you are also asleep as…
When PlayStation Store returns (reports suggest that will be May 24), PS3 account holders may choose two free games…
Sony Online Entertainment this afternoon sent password reset emails to its account holders, notifying them that all…
Across North America yesterday evening, PlayStation Network returned after a 23-day total blackout. In a process…
Shortly past midnight, U.S. Pacific Time, Sony announced that PlayStation Network service had been restored in…
Sony Online Entertainment, the publisher of PC MMO titles also shut down by April's massive cyberattack on the…
Bloomberg news reports that the hackers who carried out the attack on PlayStation Network rented a server from…
Sony is weighing whether to offer a reward for information on the hackers behind the massive PlayStation Network…
At this point, after 17 days with no end in sight, it's fair to ask the question. the PlayStation Network Outage, or…
Reuters' Japan bureau reports that hackers uploaded data they'd stolen from Sony servers during the PlayStation…
In this morning's news conference, Sony Computer Entertainment head Kazuo Hirai said the company would consider…
Lots of people vow all kinds of extreme things when they're pissed off, especially at giant corporations. Many come…
Kazuo Hirai, Sony Corp.'s second-in-command, in line to become its CEO, will brief the media on the catastrophic…
Sony Online Entertainment has already said it plans a "make-good" for D.C. Universe Online and Free Realms…