Then you'd get Human Resources, an absolutely excellent-looking strategy game from the makers of the very good Pl…
Star-spanning strategy game Planetary Annihilation isn't really "out" yet, since it's still part of Steam's Early…
Time for a re-do: check out Planetary Annihilation's ChronoCam, a feature that lets you jump to any point in time, play in slow/fast motion, delete timelines and play in reverse. You might remember this game as the 'world-spanning RTS' we were impressed with a while back. More details on how the ChronoCam works here.
Strategy game Planetary Annihilation, which looks awesome, went live on Steam this week. Sort of.
Because it's being made by guys who made Supreme Commander and Total Annihilation, you expect a sense of scale from…
When we first saw upcoming RTS Planetary Annihilation earlier this month, it took me days to find my socks, they'd…
Planetary Annihilation is an in-development strategy game from Uber Studios that, unlike most other entries in the…