What defines Spider-Man? Is it his special powers? His great responsibilities? His Jenga prowess? No, true…
What defines Spider-Man? Is it his special powers? His great responsibilities? His Jenga prowess? No, true…
In order to help the Amazing Spider-Man save the future, Spider-Man 2099 has to save the past. That's the kind of…
Developer Beenox and Activision cross continuities again in Spider-Man: Edge of Time, a time-hopping adventure…
Following up on the compelling-yet-flawed Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, Activision once again taps developer…
It's a book! For Fable diehards with a thirst for some off-game fiction—courtesy of prolific writer Peter…
Disney's Epic Mickey is only coming to the Wii, but a newly announced pair of comic book projects based on the game…
I must have missed McWhertor's story on Peter David taking up writing duties for Shadow Complex, which is strange,…
Chair Entertainment's brilliant looking Metroid-esque adventure Shadow Complex appears to have some storytelling…