Friend of the site Matt Hawkins spotted this unbelievable R2D2 unit at PAX Prime earlier this month.
Some people look amazingly cool when they try upcoming PlayStation 3 motion game Kung Fu Live. They step in front of…
Dragons can be good guys. One fire-breathing flying lizard can be if you're the dragon. In Hoard, princesses and…
Me to the lady showing the new Tron game for Wii this past weekend: "Don't you think a reporter would have a more…
Blur your eyes as you look at a new fantasy massively multiplayer game, and you won't know whether you're looking at…
One of the minor mysteries of the 2010 video game year is why Ubisoft showed the world screenshots of the…
Frobot is a WiiWare game that mixes Robotron shooting with gameplay riffing on the dungeon design of the original…
As with Slam Bolt Scrappers, Retro City Rampage was one of the games I saw at Penny Arcade Expo last week during…
Video game designer Dave Perry predicted a few years ago that a day would come when a company released a high…
The developers say it is a little bit of Katamari Damacy and a little bit of Gish. Before Penny Arcade Expo I…
Ilomilo (first letter is an "i", second an "L") is great to look at. But how do you play this game about two…
It has not been easy to explain to people why Slam Bolt Scrappers, an early 2011 downloadable PlayStation 3…
With the power of video games enabling us, we've been able to make James Bond a klutz and Darth Vader a hero, but…
'He gets up.' That's the line I can't forget from Penny Arcade Expo last week. Duke Nukem had some good one-liners,…
With vibrant colours and fluffy puppies, Okami should be the stuff of dreams. This? This will haunt me the rest of…
Sounds like expanding the amount of showroom floorspace for the 2010 Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle has paid…
Hawke might be strong enough as a man, but he makes one damn fine woman. Bioware reveals the more feminine side to…
Kinect might not be able to read a Big Daddy's Poker Face, but it doesn't seem to have any trouble reading the…
As part of a promotion for Telltale's Back to the Future game. As seen on CNET via Bleeding Cool.