Last year, in the lead-up to World of Warcraft’s Battle for Azeroth expansion, Horde leader Sylvanas Windrunner went…
Last year, in the lead-up to World of Warcraft’s Battle for Azeroth expansion, Horde leader Sylvanas Windrunner went…
Twitter user Harukiru loves papercraft. While he acknowledges the influence of Nintendo Labo on moving paper…
The attention to small details is just incredible in Polish enthusiast Bernard Szukiel's paper replica of the…
$350 for an authentic Bioshock Infinite vigor bottle is a difficult-to-justify investment. As a consolation, the…
The Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past's overworld as a 3D papercraft map:
Star Wars Hexaflexagon by Bashir Sultani. The video below will show you how to make your own:
A disembodied artificial intelligence who eventually got poured into a metal body so she could kick ass and kiss…
These incredible figures of Tyrael and Diablo himself are the work of an avid Diablo fan, TaeHyeon Hong from…
You might not be able to have conversations or go into combat with this papercraft version of Jack made by tankball,…
They're made of paper. Amazing stuff.
I stare at the glorious handcrafted world of Blitz Games' Paper Titans for hours, lazily rotating each colorfully…
According to papercraft-master minidelirium, even with instructions and templates it took more than 200 hours to…
Halloween is coming up surprisingly fast. If you find yourself seeking a gaming-themed costume, have you considered…
Julius Perdana has built a replica model of a Crysis nanosuit that manages to look better than a professional,…
Papercraft isn't just useful for making tiny recreations of famous video game characters. You can also make…
Amaterasu of Okami fame is a majestic creature. One that is definitely worthy of artistic mediums, far and wide.
I'm hesitant to call this papercraft, since that's a word we normally associate with little things that sit on a…
Some time ago we shared the papercraft wonder that was Leo Firebrand's Fallout 3 homage: the laser pistol. Paper…
Paper sculpture? That'll do. Built from paper and glue, Aussie artist Richi89's take on Amaterasu, the star of…