You don't have to be afraid of missing out on Outlast's scream-inducing fun any more, Xbox One fans. It's now available on Microsoft's latest console, Major Nelson announced in a blog post this morning. The terrifying survival horror game made it through our latest revision of the PS4 bests list, so Xbox One owners Read more

Buckle Up: Outlast's "Whistleblower" DLC is coming to PC and PS4 in April. It'll tell the story of Waylon Park, the source who contacted the protagonist of the main game. Judging by this screenshot, it will probably be super scary. We recently added the main game to our PS4 Bests List, and I can't wait to play more. Read more

It cost one video game company $35,000 to be featured in one of Conan O'Brien's Clueless Gamer segments. Re/Code reports that the late night talk show receives payment from game companies for some of the segments, with confirmation that horror game Outlast paid to be part of a three-game scare-focused spotlight.
