Rolling out to Xbox Preview members this week alongside Xbox Arena, looking for group posts and group messaging is a…
Microsoft just announced their plans for E3 2015: they’ve got their Xbox presser at the usual time (Monday, June 15 at 9:30am PT) and a daily live show they’ll be streaming from the conference floor. More info over on Major Nelson’s blog.
You don't have to be afraid of missing out on Outlast's scream-inducing fun any more, Xbox One fans. It's now available on Microsoft's latest console, Major Nelson announced in a blog post this morning. The terrifying survival horror game made it through our latest revision of the PS4 bests list, so Xbox One owners… Read more
Good news for all the PC master-race-ers out there who prefer console-style controllers over the good ol'…

The Xbox One's interface has been a source of much delight and frustration in my household. Xbox Live's Major…
If you're following the brouhaha over the guy who got an Xbox One early and was then banned by Xbox Live, Major Nelson has since reached out via Twitter, and has said "his console will not be permabanned." See the link for the latest update. Read more
I've never been a Kinect guy; if I had the option, I'd rather buy a $400 Kinect-free Xbox One than one saddled with…

It stands to reason that Xbox Live on Xbox One would adopt the basic features of social networking—following…
I always mention it whenever it comes up, but Call of Duty has been toppled from its death-and-taxes sure-thing spot atop the Xbox 360's list of most-played games. The new champ should be no surprise: Grand Theft Auto V.
Next-gen is almost here: via Microsoft's Major Nelson, here's the first Xbox One console to come off the assembly line. Just two months until we get our hands on both next-gen systems.
The Xbox One we saw at E3 isn't quite the Xbox One the team at Microsoft has in their hands right now. They've been…

Fable Anniversary, an HD remake of the original Fable, is coming this year to the Xbox 360, according to this…
A large chunk of the Xbox One reveal was dedicated to telling us that we don't watch TV the right way, and that…
Microsoft's next generation console—named Xbox One, as we learned today—has finally been revealed. Major Nelson's…
The physical release of Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition has been delayed about a month, from April 30 to June 4. Major Nelson said the delay is necessary "to include the very latest content."
Xbox spokesman Major Nelson weighs in on the PS4 conference. Shots fired!
Call of Duty earned both the first and second spot of Major Nelson's annual Xbox rankings, which is a pretty…
Death, taxes and a shooter atop the chart of Xbox Live's top activity. Since Major Nelson has publicized the…
The defunct NBA Live 13 was supposed to be out today on Xbox Live, says Microsoft's Major Nelson.