Ladykiller in a Bind creator Christine Love gives a talk at GDC about sex as a reward in games. “The problem with ‘the chase’ is that it’s one-sided,” Love explained to a room of Sexy Microtalks attendees. Love instead suggests making sex a crucial and indispensible aspect of gameplay, not just a reward. When sex is… Read more

Kinky at face, Ladykiller in a Bind is not fucking around about fucking. But it’s also not kidding about consent.…

Ladykiller In A Bind—which Heather found to be a bold exploration of sexual experiences and perspectives—is finally…
Ladykiller in a Bind is full of sex. Naughty, dirty sex. It’s a fun visual novel that let me explore BDSM and consent
Ladykiller in a Bind is a visual novel by Christine Love. It’s about affection, sex, consent, manipulation, and…