In case you were still on the fence about dropping $150 on Microsoft's magical camera stick, the company today…
Can you believe the hype you hear from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo at each year's big E3 circus of video games?…

Start at 1:00 in. It's OK to laugh. Because she survives.

Chris Erickson's brother found himself without the use of his right arm following a tragic accident, but that…
The Xbox 360's Kinect launched today with more than a dozen games. We played through half a dozen of them.

Kinect Adventures is the game that every Kinect owner will soon be playing. That's because it's the one that comes…
Kinect Adventures will include at least five game types and support both online play and the ability to show off…
Worried that Microsoft's E3 showcase of its Kinect controller for the Xbox 360 was a little too "casual," a little…
While my favorite Kinect game of the show was most certainly Dance Central, the game that had me jumping up and…