Itasha, those anime themed automobiles, are eye-catching. Unlike most bland domestic automobiles on Japanese roads,…
In the past, there was a tradition in the U.S. military to paint pin-ups on aircrafts. Today, that tradition lives…
In Japan, taxis are typically black. Sometimes, they're white or even yellow, but generally, people think of them as…
It would probably feature a Delorean that looks like this. Behold, the itasha DMC-12, complete with an "OUTATIME"…
Recently, a typhoon rampaged through Japan, leaving destruction in its wake. Destruction like this in Naha City,…
"Itasha" (痛車) literally mean "painmobile", but they are Japan's sticker-covered geek cars. The decals often feature…
This past weekend, a parking lot in Tokyo's Odaiba glimmered with geek pride. This weekend saw the Ita G Festa…
Over the weekend, bishoujo (beautiful young girl) game festival Dream Party steamrolled through Tokyo. Computer…
For Japanese otaku, itasha—literally "painmobile"—are about as geeky as they come. This past weekend, diehard…
A recent car show in Tokyo's Odaiba featured approximately 1,000 automobiles. These are hardly your typical cars.
The Lancia Stratos was arguably the most beautiful rally car ever. In its rally heyday, it was covered with Alitalia…
Another autumn, another Dream Party. The fall Dream Party was recently held in Tokyo, complete with cosplayers,…