Wipe the snot from your nose, check the front door, and enjoy these creepy makeshift movies
Independence Day is big, dumb, and full of heart. The special effects may look a little hokey in 2016, but that’s to…
Instead of an alien comeback, in Darren Wallace’s version of the Independence Day sequel, creepy toys of the same…
In many places in the United States today, the Independence Day holiday will be marked by solemn speeches and somber…
Every July 4th, I like to reflect on the most American game ever made—so American, in fact, that it could only be…
In movies humans fight off alien occupation forces, explode alien ships, and mind-control aliens with the power of…
We took a look yesterday at the games based on Summer's biggest blockbuster movies. Today, let's switch things up,…
What better way to celebrate Independence Day weekend than sitting inside an air-conditioned house gathering twice…