The last time I saw basketball bad boy Dennis Rodman in a way that registered with me at all was on stage at a…
What good is a drug-fueled murderous rampage if there's no one to share it with? Fuse Powered and Hothead Games'…
After about a year of the Gaming App of the Week, I've been very hard on games that are nakedly derivative of…
I've yet to play a Deathspank game. I want to at some point, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, not the book about the guide and the people who use it, but the guide itself, …
As the father of Magic: The Gathering, Richard Garfield is the man responsible for countless crazed gamers…
There will be a new DeathSpank game this summer and it will involve a quest for the Fires of Bacon. It will also…
Hothead Games, developers of the Penny Arcade series, is working on a new Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy game. For…
Signs of the worldwide economic downturn, known by some as the Great Recession, are nearly absent from modern video…
DeathSpank: Thongs Of Virtue is video game deja vu if deja vu involved feeling like you've done the thing you're…
What's all this about powerful, mythic thongs created by a master craftsman?
In one of the fastest sequel turnarounds you'll see in gaming, last month's fun and funny fantasy action game…
Followers of Penny Arcade's foray into game development may never see the last two chapters of their Penny Arcade…
If you like laughing and you like loot, if you can catch a Monkey Island reference and know why purple text is a…
Are you perfectly fine with rainbows in your Diablo III? Then you might like the gameplay and lighthearted approach…
Electronic Arts today announced a deal with the developers of Shank and Deathspank to bring the downloadable games…
After charming the pants off of players on Xbox Live Arcade and the PC, Jonathan Blow's Braid is finally heading…
The PAX panel, Game Culture: How Gamers Impact Society & How Policy Affects Gamer Culture, had some mildly…
Ron Gilbert's latest game, Deathspank, isn't new. We've know about it for ages. But all this info and screenshots,…
A PlayStation 3 version of Xbox Live Arcade hit Braid appears to be in the works, with Germany's…