The world's premiere avian dating simulator is coming to PlayStation in 2015. The English release of Hatoful Boyfriend, the visual novel that took the video game and bird-watching communities by storm a few years back arrives on PlayStation 4 and Vita in the 2nd quarter of 2015. This is the oddest, most wonderful… Read more

For a game that is about dating birds, Hatoful Boyfriend is surprisingly normal. And that is its greatest strength.
There is only one way to approach this game. And that's properly.
Hatoful Boyfriend is a Japanese dating sim that replaces the usual array of sexy anime characters with pictures of…
Hatoful Boyfriend puts the player in the shoes of a reasonably well-adjusted high-school sophomore girl. She attends…
If you'd asked me yesterday morning my pick for Game of the Year, I would probably have said The Elder Scrolls V:…