Metro: Last Light is relentlessly linear, right up until it isn’t. It gives you a trusty ally to follow, right up…
It may be a rare sight today, but a demo is one of the best things an upcoming game can do for its audience. Of…

If you’ve played video games, you’ve encountered a handgun. In the right game, a handgun can be an object of menace…
Call of Duty has returned to World War II. It wasn’t so long ago that Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare saved us from…
Last fall, Dishonored 2 ripped me right out of my gaming funk. I tore through the game in two days, scouring every…
I need a break from open-world games. While I’ve had a blast with Breath of the Wild, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and Ghost…

I don’t think people say that Mass Effect “feels like sci-fi,” or The Witcher “feels like fantasy.” But people do…
Games have a zombie problem. They can be your basic slow shamblers or your fast berserkers, but whatever variation…
Age of Empires is finally back. After twelve long years, Microsoft has finally decided to resurrect one of gaming’s…
If I have one guilty pleasure series, it’s Assassin’s Creed. Normally, I’m not one to get excited about yearly…
The mission seems to be going well enough; it’s been tough, but you’ve persevered, making your way through some…
Bulletstorm was one of the best games of the last generation, tragically ignored because of an awful marketing…
You drop right into a firefight, plasma crackling as it flies past your head. You push forward, blasting away at a…
Saints Row 2 is the greatest sandbox game of all time. Grand Theft Auto 5 has a bigger budget, Saints Row IV gives…
Innovation is like a game of telephone. Someone creates a message, but as it spreads, it loses its meaning. Lessons…
Eleven years after its release, the first-person shooter F.E.A.R. still feels ahead of its time. It is one of the…

Do you have a game you regularly return to, just because you like how it feels? For me, that game is Forza Horizon.