Hoping for a new Fatal Frame? Looks like you’re going to have to wait. In Japan, a new Fatal Frame pachislo…

There are some cultures that believe taking a photograph captures a part of your soul. Your job in Fatal Frame II:…
Since I normally play one game at a time on my Wii U, I’m used to deleting games. Investing in an external HD for my…
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water on Wii U has been available in Japan for a while now, but it finally showed up…
My prayers have been answered, as Nintendo’s announced Fatal Frame for Wii U is coming to the rest of the world later this year. Can’t wait to crap my pants! Read more

The Fatal Frame series is one of the creepiest survival-horror game series out there and certainly my personal…

I am a long-time fan of the Fatal Frame survival horror series—despite my aversion to scary things. And while…
Other than being made by the same company, survival horror series Fatal Frame and fighting game series Dead or…
Japanese horror game series Fatal Frame is one of my personal favorites. So despite disliking horror movies in…
Zero: Nuregarasu no Miko, the fifth game in the iconic Fatal Frame horror series came out in Japan a few weeks…
There are more than a few popular horror game series out there—from classics like Resident Evil and Silent Hill to…

As a long-time fan of the Fatal Frame series, I can see the perceived appeal of having the Wii U's GamePad with…
The Fatal Frame games have always been scary. They've been kind of sexy, too. But the latest entry is, flat out,…

If you like frightening games, good news. Here is the first trailer for the upcoming Fatal Frame game for the Wii…