The resurrection of Fuzzyeyes Entertainment's steampunk saga Edge of Twilight gains steam (sorry) in Athyr Above,…
I was excited about the revival of Fuzzyeyes' Edge of Twilight steampunk action-adventure property. Then I played E…
I've been following the development of Fuzzyeyes Planescape-esque steampunk adventure Edge of Twilight since 2007's…
Yesterday, a handful of former Fuzzyeyes Studios employees told Kotaku that steampunk-style role-playing game Edge…
Steampunk fantasy RPG Edge of Twilight may never see the light of day. The Fuzzeyes Studios developed game,…
The folks at Fuzzyeyes have a keen eye for gorgeous scenery, as displayed in this latest set of screenshots for the…
When I last set my non-fuzzy eyes on Fuzzyeyes' Edge of Twilight I was a bit disappointed. After seeing the…
Normally, whenever I see or hear the word 'Steampunk' (i.e. whenever I read Boing Boing) I fly into an…