Dwarf Fortress’ overworld sure looks different. The developers recently shared another preview of how the updated visuals in the upcoming Steam version compare to the intricate base-building game’s classic ASCII style. In the battle between charming and accessible, which comes out on top?
Zach and Tarm Adams, creators of the cult classic PC game Dwarf Fortress, have a new version coming to Steam, and…
As wonderful a game as Dwarf Fortress is, it’s a shoestring operation—the game is held together with chewing gum and…
If you want to know why Dwarf Fortress is coming to Steam, its co-creator Tarn Adams has one answer: health…

Sad alcoholic dwarf simulator Dwarf Fortress is coming to Steam. Getting into this game will soon feel slightly less like you’re doing an arcane ritual. The Steam version will also have fully integrated Steam Workshop support, so if you can’t live without a tileset, you’re in luck.

Last Saturday night, I watched a game of baseball, a sport I’ve always disliked. As the game unfolded and I found…
Every day after E3, I loaded up my run of Stardew Valley on Switch. I optimized my crop layouts, looked up which…
Dwarf Fortress is a two dimensional fortress-building game about dwarves, which often breaks in fascinating ways.…
Dwarf Fortress is an incredible, absurd game. Sometimes the funniest parts of your game are buried somewhere you’ll…