With the introduction of the Nintendo 2DS to bolster the Nintendo 3DS line-up, it seems that the days of the…
The long-lived and long-loved Nintendo DS, the thing that's sold more than 150 million devices (in four formats) and…
For nearly a decade now, Nintendo has made a very focused effort to makeover how Japan views video games. To do…
One of the best values in gaming gets even better on May 20, when Nintendo drops the price of the DSi to $99.99,…
Remember the DSi XL? Sure you do! Nintendo hasn't forgotten it, either. That's way today, Nintendo announced two new…
Nintendo is no stranger to hardware iterations. Its last portable, the Nintendo DS, saw several major revisions. The…
Today, Nintendo revealed that it will release a new DSi XL color—Metallic Rose. Nintendo described it as…
We've played the games. We've shown you its most show-offy feature. We've been surprised how much we liked the 3DS.…
Walmart stores in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi, Oklahoma, North Carolina,…
For years now, Nintendo has put its DS in test-runs in Kyoto classrooms on the grounds that it was a good tool to…

The 3DS is able to render 3D without the need of 3D glasses. Neat trick, but the 3DS has another ace up its sleeve.
The Nintendo DS is the most successful portable gaming machine on the planet. More than 100 million of them are out…
A much larger take on the Nintendo DSi XL. As seen on Famitsu.com at a recent event in Kyoto.
Years ago, Nintendo released the Nintendo DS and the DS Lite. Anyone could import them and play games on them.…
First released in Japan in Fall 2008, the Nintendo DSi brought a new era to Nintendo's handheld gaming with a…
With more than 47 million Nintendo DS handhelds sold in the United States since the portable's launch in 2004,…
Fueled by new hardware colors and special holiday bundles, Nintendo had a very happy Black Friday week indeed, with…
We aren't done with the shopping holidays before the holidays. Tomorrow's Cyber Monday, a new tradition whereby…
Consoles on the cheap! Twofer video games! Accessories galore! It's here, the gauntlet of shopping that is the…