Fortnite’s gotten a crossover with Mistborn, a fantasy series by Brandon Sanderson. Following a Twitter teaser,…

Fortnite fans have been speculating on who voiced The Foundation, a character who appeared in the cinematic and…
![<em>Infinity Blade III</em> Launching With The New iPhone 5S [Update]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/18zqy9v6mwfwmjpg.jpg)
With a 64-bit A7 processor delivering double the graphics processing power of the previous model, the iPhone 5s is…
Computer, console, phone, tablet: The more devices that can play games the better for gamers.
Gears of War and Unreal Tournament creators Epic Games will bring competitive multiplayer sword-based combat,…
Chair Entertainment's Shadow Complex is due to land on Xbox Live Arcade this summer, a two-dimensional adventure…
It would take more than a double-jump, grappling hook and a screw attack to reach the lofty goal of being a new…
Yes, the lead developer of Shadow Complex entertained the idea of designing a co-op Metroid/Castlevania kind of…
Does Xbox Live Arcade need a game inspired by 2D Metroid? Sure, unless Microsoft plans on buying Nintendo.