The Sensational December Machine is like a snow globe that you can go inside of. What's in there? A beautifully…
Simogo posted a lengthy guide to the references and inspirations for the visually brilliant iOS game Device 6. As…
The road to video game greatness is paved with unfinished projects and half baked ideas. Simogo, the tiny studio…
Photos of people trying to figure out the Device 6 puzzle at Simogo's GDC booth.
Soon, there will be a glorious deathmatch to decide the cream of the crop from 2013's independently developed video…
Play a lot of smartphone games, and it's easy to fall into a rut. This game's like Angry Birds, that game's like Jetp…
From Simogo, the creators of the surreal Year Walk, Device 6 is a text adventure, a puzzle game, and a mystery…