One of the key games used by Sony to demonstrate the graphical prowess of the PlayStation 3 prior to its North…
Afrika, first released in Japan last year, has often been compared to Pokemon Snap. Both fairly and unfairly. And…
Sony Computer Entertainment and Rhino Studios' safari and photography sim Afrika is finally coming to North America,…
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan's Afrika, the photojournalist on safari PlayStation 3 title, may have had its…
No, Pangea is not reforming, things aren't that bad. Take this one with a hippo sized grain of salt for now, my…
We've heard little about Afrika's chances of coming to PlayStation 3s outside of Japan. It's been said that Europe…
Have a listen of the Afrika soundtrack, scored by composer Wataru Hokoyama. His website notes the composer's…
Afrika details? Real ones, that actually tell you something about how the game's going to play? Wonderful. Taiwanese…
Afrika, Sony's upcoming entry in the burgeoning savannah-wildlife-photojounalist-sim genre, has been given a final…
A trailer for Sony's Afrika was released today on the Japanese PlayStation Store. It looks, I'm surprised to say,…
Japanese game retailer Game Star has posted a description of upcoming PS3 title Afrika along with release date…
Afrika for the PlayStation 3, whatever it is, looks very pretty. We look forward to enjoying whatever Afrika is,…
Ah, Afrika. Lions, savannah, misspelled (well, for me) continent names, it's all been a little interesting since…