I loved the cube-based art-style of 3D Dot Game Heroes, but I didn't love the game. And who loves loading screens?…
I loved the cube-based art-style of 3D Dot Game Heroes, but I didn't love the game. And who loves loading screens?…
On the same day LittleBigPlanet 2 is delayed a feature update for Atlus' 3D Dot Game Heroes brings a special guest…
The fifth and final vignette for 3D Dot Game Heroes is even more embarrassing when you realize this is what we…
One of the coolest features of Atlus' 3D Dot Game Heroes is the ability to create your own animated protagonist…
3D Dot Game Heroes might look like a 3D pixel take on The Legend of Zelda, but this trailer is all Old Spice's…
Using 3D Dot Game Heroes's built-in character editor, Game Informer's Tim Turi takes the Zelda "homage" full-circle.
It's dangerous to go alone! Take this trailer for 3D Dot Game Heroes one-stop shop for every thing Link you need…
It might not be a real word, but Zelda-riffic is the only one I can come up with for this first full trailer for…
Atlus' "ultimate love letter to retro gamers" 3D Dot Games Heroes features a main character so powerful that…
Atlus is bringing From Software's 3D Dot Game Heroes to North America this May, a PlayStation 3 exclusive adventure…
Is there such a thing as having too much sword? It gets to a certain point where it's hard to hide it, and carrying…
The standard fantasy drama formula is lovingly applied to 3D Dot Game Heroes. Peaceful civilization thrives under…
You may have heard: 3D Dot Game Heroes is getting an American release. But did you know who, exactly, was publishing…
Cool your importing jets, patient PlayStation 3 owners. Silicon Software and From Software's blocky retro adventure…
From Software's love letter to retro gaming, 3D Dot Game Heroes, pay tribute to box art of lore via loading screens.…
Whether the game plays as good as it retro-looks remains to be seen. And FromSoftware's plans for a release outside…