It reminds me a lot of the Tomb Raider reboot, actually. The atmosphere is spot on.
This is another project from Montreal's NAD—the National Animation and Design Center—completed in fourteen weeks by a group of seven students, using Unreal Engine 4. It's called "Trailed," and it's about a woman trying to survive in what appears to be a post-apocalyptic wilderness.
In the project's Unreal Engine forum thread, a team member said that the goal was to "push [their] design, artistic and technical abilities to the limit." Well, that really shows. Take a look for yourself:
Gorgeous. There's also a two and a half-minute video showcasing just the environments:
And finally, some screenshots. The ones with the logo pretty much look like something you'd find attached to a press release for a triple-A game:
Trailed - Capstone Student Project - NAD [Unreal Engine Forums]
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