One of the most popular and well-known torrent distribution sites in the world, EZTV, has closed down. Surprisingly, it had nothing to do with the cops, or lawyers.
As TorrentFreak report, the site—which has served up TV show downloads for a decade—has been brought down by scammers, who took over EZTV’s domain name in what’s being calling a “hostile takeover”.
The scammers are still trying to operate EZTV, but given the nature of their takeover—company names were impersonated, and even the personal domains of EZTV’s founder Novaking have been seized—many other major torrent sites like KickassTorrents have banned EZTV uploads, and everyone’s being urged to avoid the site like the plague.
EZTV rose to prominence over the years due to its simple design and clear goal: to host episodes of every major (Western) TV show on the air. By only linking trusted and quality torrents, it developed a reputation as the place to go to get hold of a TV show.
As sad as it is for the site to get hit like this, maybe it’s a good time to go out. Ten years ago getting hold of TV shows in a timely manner was a pain in the ass! These days, between Apple, Google, Amazon and cable streaming services there’s really not many excuses left for not being able to pay for a show.