Physical goods imported into Japan are taxed. And according to the Japanese media, starting in 2015, foreign downloads will be as well.
Content such as digital music, e-books, apps, and games downloaded from foreign servers will levied with a consumption tax, reports Nikkei.
Going on info from government sources, Asahi, one of the largest papers in the country,explains that individuals in Japan who buy digital content from can get their content at a discount, because it's currently not taxed. Downloads, however, sold through domestic Japanese servers are taxed.
Thus, this has given foreign-based retailers an advantage—something about which Japanese vendors have complained. And next year, that means taxes for digital foreign goods.
海外発ネット配信に消費税課税 15年度にも 登録義務付け [Nikkei]
海外発ネット配信への消費課税、15年度にも開始へ=政府筋 [Asahi]
Top image courtesy of sunabesyou@Shutterstock.
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