In Overwatch’s Halloween-themed “Junkenstein’s Revenge” mode, boss characters get stylish entrances that are one part Play Of The Game and one part Too Many Cooks. Naturally, players have found a way to screw with them.
This post originally ran on October 14, 2016. It’s been updated with new photobombs from the 2017 version of Junkenstein’s Revenge.
When the camera zooms in, the action doesn’t stop. Overwatch players have taken to timing their emotes just right, resulting in some phenomenal photobombs.
2017 Photobombs
After a year of new heroes, skins, and emotes, Overwatch photobombing technology has advanced to a degree that simple-minded Hallowannabes from 2016 never could’ve predicted. Check out this year’s crop.
Here’s Soldaku with a foot from off-screen that’d make Monty Python proud:
Here’s an armed-and-not-quite-ready-enough Soldier from KennyL0gg1ns:
Zomnics can photobomb too (courtesy of ZeroTheAngel):
Uh... hey, Widowmaker (via XeRoXayuki):
Here’s 64bitflamingo with Grill Dad 76 at his daddest:
Such a diva (via runoverbyahypetrain):
This one by zSaintX is probably the coolest thing Hanzo will ever do:
Just, uh, act natural (via redditmasta123):
Crushed dreams, courtesy of castitatis:
And finally, let’s bring it home with the most 2017 photobomb of 2017: McCree’s gleaming abs (via Mattster092):
2016 Photobombs
Here’s ohsofancyschmancy as the world’s most comically enthusiastic McCree:
PrickledPickle is the smuggest Hanzo:
Junkenstein’s revenge will have to wait, thanks to Kyuba_Elma:
“M’lady” (via Relyt4000):
Years of experience have given Ana the most wizened photobomb game of all (via smellyfeetyouhave):
Eat it, Reaper (via Squidbit):
And finally, FailingToDodge figured out that you can just sleep dart everybody the second they appear, resulting in some magnificent anti-climaxes:
Have you taken up the time-honored art of photobombing? Let’s see your best.