To: Bash From: Crecente Re: Well, Which Beer Should I Drink First? There Are Three, Only Three... Congrats on the book! I'm psyched and jealous all rolled into one. On the beers I personally can't stand VB and I've never had Tiger, but Modelo is great. Oh you totally need to rustle up some Chimay. Awesome beer. We drove about half way to Seattle today, leaving shortly after 7 a.m. and making our way through Colorado, Wyoming, the corner of Utah and finally half of Idaho. The drive was mostly uneventful, though it did get quite windy at times. When we take these road trips Trish typically drives and I ride shotgun blogging and navigating. Tristan gets to spend the trip watching movies, reading and playing DS and Wii games. Tomorrow we plan on getting off around 7 a.m. or 8 a.m. and driving the west of the way to Seattle. Then on Friday I'm off to Penny Arcade Expo. Woot! What you missed: All things PAX Microsoft Gives DNC Delegates the Gift of Game and (Mostly) Music Explore Dead Space Narrative With No Known Survivors Chuck Norris Brings the Pain... To Cell Phones Screw Comic Book Movies, Where Are Our Comic Book Games? Come Mount My Blade, Baby Frankenreview: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 The Chief Export of Chuck Norris is Pain in New Video The Art of Star Wars The Force Unleashed
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