Some time over the weekend a group compromised Gawker Media's servers, resulting in a security breach at all of the Gawker sites, including this one. Editors and tech are here for all the Q&A you can handle about what happened.
If you have not yet changed your account password, please stop here and click through to Lifehacker's comprehensive FAQ on the weekend's security breach and the steps you should immediately take to secure your account. Don't forget to change things like your PSN, Live and Steam passwords as well.
I've been assured that Gawker's tech teams are working around the clock to ensure Kotaku's security and our commenters' account security moving forward. That includes bringing in an outside security firm to improve things across the board. We are also in the process of having a mass email sent out to anyone who has ever registered with any Gawker site to warn them of the breach.
We pride ourselves on the contributions of Kotaku's many, witty commenters, who thrive on lively debate, amuse us with their puns, insights and images and keep all of us going with their provocative discussions. Commenters remain the most important part of the Kotaku community.
We take the concerns of our readers extremely seriously. We are working around the clock to ensure the safety and security of our sites moving forward.
Right now we're here to answer questions that remain, provide a space for you to vent, bond together in solidarity, and praise your cross-site ingenuity, savvy and generosity while under fire.
I also want to offer my sincere apologies and say that Gawker is doing everything in its power to try and ensure this doesn't happen again.
Slate has a widget that can be used to test if your email showed up in the stolen database. Check it here.