The original Senran Kagura was created because designer Kenichiro Takaki thought it would be a good idea to use the 3DS to look at breasts in 3D. Thrilled with the results, he made a sequel, and now that sequel is coming to North America this fall. Oh boy.
Considering the current gaming climate in North America, publisher XSEED could have picked any number of better times to announce Marvelous AQL's Senran Kagura Burst. Maybe a couple of years ago, or an alternate timeline where nothing we've been discussing for months and months exists. Either they are incredibly ballsy (perhaps bouncingly so), or they chose poorly.
Perhaps they are fueled by the strange (well, mildly inappropriate) success the game series has enjoyed in Japan. It's an anime and book series over there, as well as the inspiration for so much fan-made porn its crazy.
Either way, the side-scrolling boob-em-up is coming to North American 3DS this fall. It'll be a digital download-only title, because who would show up at the store in to buy this in person?
Aside from me. For work.