Not a headline you'd expect to read first thing on a Monday, granted, but it's true: Nintendo's lawyers have made a small dental surgery in Malmö, Sweden, change its name.
The surgery is called "Wii Smile". And while one of the two partners running the joint, Christer Wihlborg, says the name came about because his surname starts with "Wi" and there are two owners, the fact is Nintendo registered their trademark over the name "Wii" in 2006, a full year before "Wii Smile" opened its doors.
Interestingly, Nintendo claim that they're taking the action not only because of the trademark and the similarities between the names, but because they claim the original 2006 trademark applied to not only home video game consoles, but dentistry as well.
Dentistry? We knew Nintendo's lawyers were bloodthirsty. We didn't know they were that thorough.
Nintendo ger sig på tandklinik i Malmö [Sydsvenskan]