Pardon our dust. You may have noticed the word "Display" magically appeared in the center of our title bar sometime yesterday. That isn't a mistake, turns out our magical technicians have rolled out a new feature on Kotaku. If you hover over the word it will let you sort the entire site by a number of pre-determined tags. Alas, Fahey's Bulging Biceps isn't one of them. But here's what you can sort by:All: The classic viewing showing all of our artistry in full effect. Top: Only the stories we mark as being the big ones of the day. These are the babies that pop up at the top of the page. Popular: The most popular stories of the day, as tracked by page views. Review: All of our game reviews. DS: Just stories about the DS. PC: Just stories about the PC. PS3: Just stories about the PS3. PSP: Just stories about the PSP. Xbox 360: Just stories about the Xbox 360. Wii: Just stories about the Wii. Pretty nifty huh?
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