It emerged last week that Microsoft's NXE upgrade would require 128MB of free space and might therefore be out of reach to some Arcade owners. Microsoft promised that some kind of 'storage solution' was in the works and has just released details of an upgrade program to ensure under-specced consoles can receive the dashboard replacement. recommends either clearing some space by removing saved content or entering your Serial Number and Console Id to see if you are eligible for either a free 512 MB memory card or a 20 GB hard-drive for $19.99. UPDATE: We are checking the validity of this. The link seems genuine, but nothing has shown up through the usual MS sources and there have been rumors that this is a phishing scam. Microsoft has been contacted for comment. UPDATE 2, Electric Boogaloo: Microsoft have confirmed that the site is genuine. Enjoy the New Xbox Experience and Xbox LIVE![Xbox Storage Upgrade via - thanks to Magnum1024k for the tip]
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