Microsoft believes that Sony's E3 press conference tomorrow will, among other things, introduce a pay plan for the traditionally free Playstation Network.
Buried in a 12-page E3 press document filled with questions and answers prepared by Microsoft for the media is this questio and answer:
Q: Sony announced their subscription for PSN today. What's your comment? (Will adjust messaging onsite after Sony briefing)
A: It's interesting watching others follow our lead. Only Xbox LIVE creates value-added experiences tailored for the TV environment. We deliver the best entertainment and allow you to share that with the people you care about, no matter where they are. Xbox LIVE is the only place to play the "Call of Duty" map packs and Game Add-ons first. It's the only online community where you and your friends can play the biggest multiplayer games on the planet games – "Halo: Reach," "Gears of War 3" and "Call of Duty." And it's the exclusive home of ESPN, with more than 3,500 live and on demand sports events. Add the magic of Kinect for Xbox 360 and it is clear that Xbox LIVE is offering entertainment experiences that can't be found anywhere else.
Granted this could be based on the rumor we reported earlier this year. We'll know tomorrow afternoon if Microsoft jumped the gun on their reaction to a new paid plan for their rivals online service.