Sequel to the so-so Alchemists of Al-Revis, Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy promises more of the Atelier Iris-flavored alchemy and crafting elements that the first game paid homage to.
The first Mana Khemia took a bit of a hit in the ratings for being long-winded. But with screens this pretty, I may not mind sitting through long, tedious conversations half so much. At least as long as they're not about homework, that is.
Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy will also feature a different type of turn-based battle system where you can switch both attackers and supports in and out of combat. There are over 100 items to craft in the game and two separate story lines for the main characters.
The game is due to land on North American PlayStation 2s in the Fall of this year. Here are some screens: