The mess at Konami keeps getting messier, and weirder, with the discovery today that PT—a playable teaser for an upcoming Silent Hill game that has since been cancelled—has been completely removed from Sony’s PSN servers, even for people who had downloaded it while it was still available.
Normally, when a game, demo, beta, whatever is removed from a digital shopfront like the PSN, it remains available on servers so that those who had got it while it was available can get it again later. I can still download Madden Arcade and Outrun, for example, even though those games are no longer available on the Xbox Live Store.
Yet someone has gone the extra mile and scrubbed PT from Sony’s servers entirely. Users who have deleted the demo and attempted to re-download (like Polygon) it are being given an error message saying it can’t be downloaded.
That’s a screen from Mark’s PS4, showing the list of previously-downloaded content (complete with arrows for a re-download). PT, which should be there, has just up and disappeared.
This is despite a standard notice from Sony being presented upon deletion telling the user they would be able to download it again later.
So, yeah, if you have PT on your PS4, don’t delete it. Ever.