Japanese website Dengeki Online has surveyed its readers to gauge interest in the DSi, which goes on sale this Saturday in Japan. According to the Dengeki poll, only 3.6 percent said they were going to buy the DSi soon. 29.4 said they were going to wait and see a little bit before buying. 26.2 percent were undecided. The biggest chunk, 40.7 percent, said they were not going to buy the DSi. When asked which color DSi they preferred (black or white), a 53.4 percent majority said black, 45.9 percent said white and 0.7 did not answer. The participants in the poll, Dengeki points out, were 81.4 percent male and 18.6 percent female. The average age was 26.28 years old. Continue reading from more Dengeki data.What is the most attractive about the DSi? • Screen size 30.8 percent • The DSi hardware 29.5 percent • DSi Camera 15.1 percent • DSi Sound 11.6 percent • SD card slot 3.4 percent Comments from Dengeki readers: "With the new DSi camera, I'm really interested in seeing how it will be used." "I can't really say, because I'm satisfied with the DS Lite, and I haven't seen the actual hardware firsthand." "Getting rid of the GBA slot to make it slimmer and add new features does not appeal to me." "I don't own a DS, but when games from my favorite series Kingdom Hearts and Dragon Quest come out, I'll need to get one." "I think it's deplorable that they got rid of the GBA slot... Also the camera's pixel count is disappointing." "I think it's good that they made the screen bigger." "The camera's eye is cute." "I don't really care about the camera, but Nintendo DSi Ware seems intriguing. It'd be great to be able to download games from the Virtual Console." "I want them to offer more colors." (Only white and black are being offered at launch.) "The hardware matches the straight forward games, but I'm most interested in Nintendo DSi Ware." 【アンケート結果発表】「ニンテンドーDSi」は購入する? それともしない? [Dengeki Online]
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