To: Ash From: Crecente Re: Not Big On Folding Paper. Sorry. I finally got around to signing up for Skype. Shocking isn't it, that I haven't really used it before. (Not counting on my PSP). I think we're going to use it for our monthly Kotaku Tower Editor-Type meetings. Hey since we're going to be meeting once a month anyway to talk games n' shit, maybe we should just record it and turn it into a podcast. OK, that's a bad idea, but maybe it's time. I know I've resisted the idea of a podcast in the past (mostly because they're typically bloated and painful to listen to) but I 'm sure we could come up with our own take on the idea. I mean besides getting really tanked in a Japanese hotel. What you missed: MK Vs. DC Character List Outed By Achievements Stephen Colbert Hits Rock Band MotorStorm Pacific Rift Speeds Towards October Release Halo Studio Seeks Next Gen Program Manager AntiSpore Answerable To A Higher Power - Rick Astley
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