With more than 200 songs and over 300 costumes to collect, Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone is so big Sega had to split it into two rhythm games, and both are coming to North America and European PS4 on January 10.
It’s the largest collection of music from Japan’s virtual Diva to grace consoles, comprised of two downloadable packages that can be played alone or merged together into one massive thing. The “Future Sound” package contains songs from the Project Diva games, while the “Colorful Tone” pack centers around songs from the DS-centric Project Mirai games and Miku’s Japanese arcade titles. The gameplay is similar to the Japanese arcade games, with difficulty levels extending far beyond anything we’ve seen in the West yet.
Here’s a vid of me playing the Japanese import earlier this year. Imagine this, only with less Japanese text.
Both “Future Sound” and “Colorful Tone” will be available on January 10 in North America for $29.99 apiece or $53.99 bundled together. European pricing depends on how the dollar is doing around that time. All things considered, we’re all really sorry about this, Europe. Here’s a happy trailer to cheer you up.