The amiibo collection game is fierce. Rumors of gold Mario amiibos circulated for a while, and Nintendo finally confirmed their existence this morning. Pre-orders for the special edition went online at Wal-Mart today, sold out in 15 minutes, and have already spiked in price on eBay.
You'll notice the eBay listing above is for $79.95. Other listings are for $57.99, $48.99, etc. Remember, this is for a tiny painted accessory that otherwise would only cost you $12.96.
Naturally, lots of people weren't able to order one. It appears Wal-Mart was limiting folks to only two amiibos per customer, though apparently others were able to get as many as seven.
The salt is real, my friends.
In the same reddit thread, someone claimed to have purchased 50 of them. That seems unlikely, but there's no doubt many of the purchases being made are going to get quickly flipped on eBay.
The rumor of someone being able to buy 50 amiibos even prompted a complaint to Wal-Mart.
Congratulations to anyone who managed to pick one up! Please amiibo responsibly.
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