If you get plastic surgery, that's fine. Go for it. Just know that you're not getting plastic surgery on your DNA.
Recently in Wuhan, China, a man surnamed Huang (not pictured) was worried that his wife was being unfaithful. He phoned Wuhan Central University's Hospital and asked for a paternal test for his three year-old son.
Mr. Huang, 27, was bothered that his young son looked nothing like him or his wife, and ultimately brought his family with him to the hospital.
"I have great confidence in my looks," he told the hospital, Cnhan reported. "My wife is also a beauty, but this child looks nothing like us. I highly suspect that he's not mine."
Mr. Huang's wife finally admitted that she had a variety of work done on her face before meeting her husband; she apparently was "average" looking before she got plastic surgery—whatever the heck that means! "I was afraid that if my husband found out, he wouldn't want me any more," Mrs. Huang is quoted as saying.
The husband looked at old photos of his wife and realized that, yes, the child was theirs and decided a paternity test was unnecessary.
There's an infamous ad (above) for a Taiwanese plastic surgery clinic, which is often being posted with this story as it makes its way through cyberspace in Asia. The ad's tagline says something like, "If you have plastic surgery, your only worry is having to explain it to your children." Turns out, you might have to explain things to your spouse!
丈夫欲做亲子鉴定妻子坦白“做过整容” [CNHAN]
Eric Jou contributed to this article.
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