Monster Games sequel to Excite Truck, the beastly and bug-filled stunt racer Excitebots, has won us over—even those of us who didn't particularly care for the Wii launch original game. Why? Super Sandwiches.
First shown in the debut trailer for Excitebots: Trick Racing, the Super Sandwich bonus both excited and bewildered us. What was it? How does one acquire a Super Sandwich? We found out today at GDC.
Unfortunately, we did not acquire a Super Sandwich ourselves, as the levels playable at this year's Game Developers Conference apparently did not offer the delicious prize. Therefore, we cannot give impressions on how good it feels to experience the Super Sandwich.
But we can tell you what role it plays in the Wii racer.
According to Nintendo representatives on site, players will build the Super Sandwich by picking up ingredients by driving or rail sliding into them. At a minimum, we expect those ingredients to be two slices of bread, one slice of bologna and one slice of what appears to be American cheese.
We did play one race worth of Excitebots: Trick Racing, so expect hands-on impressions coming soon.