The makers of El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron don't clutter their game with health bars and point-counters.* They don't put anything in the way of the beautiful game they're creating, one of the head-turners at PAX East in Boston this past weekend.
I hadn't followed the game closely. Its name is alphabet soup, its story and gameplay a mystery to me. But, wow, does it look pretty. I shot this will Ignition Entertainment's Shane Bettenhausen, invigorated by a slice of pizza during his third day demoing the game, played through this early part of the game.
El Shaddai is scheduled for release in Japan in a few weeks. It will be out in America this fall. I can't vouch for its gameplay, but it is a beauty.
*If you're wondering how you can tell if the hero is hurt, that's shown by how much of his armor has fallen off.