Yesterday was Father’s Day, and what better day to launch the inaugural episode of a series about connecting with my twin boys through the magic of gaming?
Before you ask, yes Archer and Seamus are named after characters in an animated program they won’t be able to watch for at least another decade. And yes, both of my lovely boys are on the autism scale, which has made every day of the past four years and light change a whirlwind adventure.
Sometimes it’s hard for us to communicate and there can be frustration on both sides. but when I pick up the controller and begin navigating the menu of whichever game console is running, we’re completely in sync.
Well, almost in sync.
This series is an exploration of how my children and I connect through video games, and my ongoing attempts to get them to play something that doesn’t require a touch screen. I realize once they get to the point they can pick up the controller and choose their own fate my gaming hours are numbered, but then it’s much easier to nap when you aren’t actively playing.
While Father’s Day is a celebration of the guys who raise children, it’s just as much about the kids who make their dads’ lives complete. I’m proud to introduce you to mine.
But don’t forget the celebrating dads bit, because I’m not giving back my Imperial Assault Carrier.
BRB, Kids Are Screaming is a series about the joys, hurdles, pitfalls and compromises of being a dad and a gamer. Mostly the joys. Sure. We’ll go with that.
To contact the author of this post, write to or find him on Twitter @bunnyspatial.