Kevin Conroy, who has voiced Batman in all kinds of stuff, from the classic 90s animated series to Rocksteady's last two masterpiece video games, will not be reprising his role in the upcoming Batman: Arkham Origins.
Unlike the drama surrounding another long-time fan favourite voice actor, though, at least in this case it makes sense. Conroy has always voiced Batman as a grown man, someone settled into his role as the Dark Knight.
Origins is, well, an origins story, with a younger Bruce Wayne pulling on the cowl. According to a report in South Africa's NAG Magazine (via Batman News), the developers at WB Montreal want "to use a new younger actor because the game features Batman in his early years".
A slight shame, since Conroy is so fantastic in the role, but then, it's not like he's the only person to have ever played the character.
NAG Magazine [Site]
Kevin Conroy not returning for ‘Batman: Arkham Origins’ [Batman News]