For months now, we’ve seen people repeatedly fail Pokémon Sun and Moon’s Global Missions, the community missions that net players rewards if they reach certain gameplay goals. Turns out, many players can’t even register and log in to Pokémon Global Link, the online service which logs their progress in Global Missions, something that would explain why the online quests are faring so poorly.
In order to sync your game progress online, you need a Pokémon Trainer Account, which will then give you access to the Pokémon Global Link. Players are still able to sign up for and access Trainer Accounts, but when you take that log in info to the website for the Pokémon Global Link, the page refreshes instead of logging you in. I attempted to register and log in last night and was unable to, the page refreshing instead of allowing me access to the Global Link. This problem is only affecting players newly registering accounts, leaving them unable to join their peers in Global Missions, as well as redeem mission rewards and register their Pokémon.
Players have noticed this problem for at least the past month, and have received little help by sending in support tickets, the saga documented in a now 31 page GameFaqs thread.
Some players were told by support to add their name to their Pokémon Trainer Account and setting their PGL settings to “Nobody,” but that solution doesn’t help everyone. Even after adding my name and changing my PGL settings, I was unable to log in this morning. I contacted the Pokémon Company regarding the issue but they did not respond in time for publication.
This makes the current Global Mission for Pokémon Sun and Moon difficult to complete, to say the least. The mission, which began January 30th and will end on February 14th, is to complete one million trades, using the Global Link website to sync your progress. Good luck, trainers.
Thanks for the tip, John.