Some young game designers who call themselves Those Guys are trying to kickstart an idea for an unusual graphics-free game. They're calling Apocalypse: Survive It, and the idea is that you're in a zombie apocalypse...and are blind. Those Guys are joining us below to talk about their Kickstarter and answer any questions you might have about it.
For a little more info, here's their Kickstarter video:
And here's an early version of the game on Newgrounds that you can play in your browser.
Those Guys are really far from their funding goal with time running short. They need a surge of interest. Is their idea good enough? Now is their chance—and yours—to see how good an idea this is. If you've got questions for them, ask below.
If you want to help make the game a reality, add some funds to their Kickstarter.
To contact the author of this post, write to or find him on Twitter @stephentotilo.